Sidewalk Sidekick: Revolutionizing Accessibility Awareness through Gamified User Testing

GiveBackHack Columbus 2022 team Sidewalk Sidekick held their first user test, lasting 2.5 hours with 15 participants. The first app release included 5 tags users could use to mark sidewalk issues. During the first mapping day, over 200 issues were logged by users. Despite the early stage of development, some users are still using the app and enjoy the gamified experience. In fact, users said that the app “opened their eyes to accessibility issues.” Great work, team Sidewalk Sidekick!

It’s impressive to see what Sidewalk Sidekick has accomplished in their early stage of development. The team’s focus on creating a gamified experience has been successful in keeping users engaged, and more importantly, it has raised awareness of accessibility issues on sidewalks. It’s great to see that some users are still using the app, even after the initial release. This shows that the team has created a product that provides value to its users.

Going forward, it’s exciting to see what Sidewalk Sidekick will achieve as they continue to improve and develop their app! With the success of their first user test, the team has laid a strong foundation for future growth. It will be interesting to see how the app evolves and how many users it will reach in the future. Keep up the great work, team Sidewalk Sidekick!
