Resources for Cleveland 2018 Teams

GiveBackHack is a launchpad for social innovation, which means we’re pulling together resources to help you launch your business.

We know this is hard. It takes a ton of work to vet an idea, iterate, and bring it into reality. Everything we pull in is intended to help you learn quickly, overcome common barriers, and further connect companies into communities that will help them flourish.

To be eligible for resources, RSVP for weekend-long participation
To experience the awarding of these resources, RSVP for your free final presentation ticket for Sunday evening.

The Good Stuff

Funding for top teams: 

  • $5000 from CoverMyMeds to be awarded directly to teams to help further vet & validate their ideas

Resources provided to top teams: 

Resources provided to all teams:

Below is a quick preview of some of the resources available to all teams to help them make progress:

  • PickFu survey services
  • Chipotle BOGO passes (you need fuel to run that business, right?) 

& more!

And don’t forget during the weekend:

Get your ticket for GiveBackHack Cleveland 2018 here. 

Already have an idea? Submit your own social enterprise idea in advance for a free ticket & promotion. 

A big part of what makes GiveBackHack such a special launchpad for social innovation is the resources our organizing teams and the community work hard to provide to participants of our event. We are so grateful to our community organizers and the sponsors who step up to support their social enterprise ecosystem!

