New GiveBackHack Event Series: GiveBackLabs

I’m thrilled to announce that our team is launching a new event series – GiveBackLabs.

For years we have been wanting to create events centering innovation for specific social issues, but just haven’t had the right opportunity. Whether it’s Green Tech, Reproductive Justice, Mental Health or another pressing social issue, GiveBackLabs are designed to provide a platform for you to meet some incredible people, get your hands on problem solving something you care about, and spark innovation for the future.

At GiveBackLabs, we’ll be working in teams to explore specific problem spaces within a greater topic area – Think “Waste Diversion” within Green Tech or “Birth Control Access” within Reproductive Justice. Our team will bring in expert mentors who have experience working day-to-day on that specific problem to provide feedback and guidance throughout the sessions.

These experts will kick-off the event with short talks about the challenges they’re facing. Then attendees get to choose a specific challenge to work on for the afternoon.

GiveBackLabs isn’t just about creating solutions. It’s also about building community. We know magic can happen in a short period of time, but we don’t expect new companies to launch from these events. We want you to connect with others who are passionate about the same issue area, learn a lot about a specific problem, pick-up some innovation skills, and to forge lasting connections.

GiveBackLabs are the perfect opportunity for those who want to dip their toes into innovating for a specific cause, without committing to a longer event. At GiveBackLabs, we believe that everyone has the power to create change. Join us at our upcoming event and be a part of the solution.

Our first GBH Labs event will be coming up soon, register for GiveBackLabs: Green Tech today.
