Idea Submission GiveBackHack 2020

Remote VR HUGS Submitted by Mat Hargett

What is the problem are you solving?

Homeless youth shelter workers are experiencing increased fatigue and low morale. They miss hugging the kids. They feel like they are not doing their job properly. So we developed a HUGS App whereby people can "hug" each other at a physical distance by placing their phones to their heart and hugging themselves - the phone vibrates with a "heartbeat-like" rhythm. Caregivers can also "send" a remote hug to someone using the app. We would like to make the experience even more immersive (and therefore more comforting) by creating a VR Remote Hug. And this "remote hug" can be used long after the pandemic for remote friends & relatives, for example.

How will this idea solve the problem?

It will make the current app's "remote hug" experience much more immersive and personal; thereby comforting the receiver to a much larger degree.

Is this idea brand new or has it been partially-vetted?


How you have vetted your idea and the success or difficulties you have seen thus far?

We have tested and vetted our HUGS App. Go here for the app: or type "Hugs App" into your app search bar. It is working well. However, we have not investigated the possibility of a "VR Hug", but would like to through this opportunity. We believe based on testing that the more immersive the experience is, the more beneficial it will be. We believe this based on our vibration pattern investigation, which yielded the latest heartbeat-like pattern.

Why are YOU uniquely positioned to solve the problem? What other people do you need to help?

We have already performed research, prototyped, and created an app. We would like to enhance it further with VR technology. Passionate about it and recognize the need for it as I had to socially distance from my children for about 2 months myself.