Idea Submission GiveBackHack 2020

Addressing health care challenges using telehealth care Submitted by MASEREKA ADIDAS

What is the problem are you solving?

The problem of limited access to right health care information and treatment in the underserved communities of eastern Uganda.

How will this idea solve the problem?

Most people in eastern Uganda like kamuli district stay in the remote areas with very few health units and the few are very far from their home stead , so these people have limited access to health care information and treatment , the majority end up using witchcraft thinking signs of malnutrition and complication of malaria like convulsion is associated to witchcraft so they end up using witchcraft to manage malnutrition for example they have saying that someone with malnutrition should never be taken to hospital and if taken may be injected with intravenous medication which will automatically lead to death , in the local language malnutrition is called’ lwenyanja.
The approach shall be selecting 5 mentors from targeted areas and empower them with skills of using the telehealth care Centre to access right health care information on health challenges like malnutrition, plus other health conditions and preventive measures in the underserved communities.
These volunteer mentors shall be deployed in their respective villages to take information to their people impressing primary health care management that is less costly.
We shall build acommunity telehealth care in the community at our already existing medical clinic to help network our patients and those in the community at large.

Is this idea brand new or has it been partially-vetted?

Brand New

Why are YOU uniquely positioned to solve the problem? What other people do you need to help?

Am uniquely positioned because I already have a medical clinic that is treating people from remote areas who bring severely ill patients of the conditions that would be managed at the local level if they had right information.
The other point is am medical personnel and community volunteer with none profit organizations like ideasforuganda ,have an expertise of availing mobile medical services in the community I serve given the experience and the exposure for 9 years working with community members .