Idea Submission GiveBackHack 2020

Pay it forward- environmental initiative Submitted by Julia Aminov

What is the problem are you solving?

I'd like to provide resources for people who are interested in incorporating climate solutions into their daily life. Especially at this time, climate change needs as much attention as possible and while climate change is caused mainly by large corporations, it's still important for each individual to play a part in contributing to taking care of the planet. I think people want to make better decisions for our environment but lack the resources to figure out what they can do in their daily lives and how much of a difference they make. I'd also like to make sure the resources acknowledge and encourage intersectional environmentalism so both social and environmental justice are considered and ensuring all communities can take part.

How will this idea solve the problem?

This idea will solve the problem because I will be providing people with a list of commitments/tasks that they can choose from and ask them to commit to one of those tasks for 3 weeks - because that is how long it takes to build a sustainable habit. By providing this list people take action immediately, without doing the research or needing to put much effort into figuring out how they want to/can contribute. At the end of those 3 weeks they will then be asked to either choose another task to commit to OR pay the idea forward to three other people- asking them all to commit to one task. Each task would give the individual insight into how their task helps save the planet. This idea is unique because the list of resources/tasks considers both social and environmental justice and will appeal to people with different skills and give them the option to contribute in ways that best work for their skillsets/unique selves.

Is this idea brand new or has it been partially-vetted?

Brand New

Why are YOU uniquely positioned to solve the problem? What other people do you need to help?

While I am still learning about climate change and intersectional environmentalism, I have experience in bringing people of unique skillsets and backgrounds together to work towards a common goal. I have experience in delegation, project management, and content creation which are all essential parts to this idea. This is something I am extremely passionate about and would love the opportunity to build a community around climate solutions.