Idea Submission GiveBackHack 2020

ACE for Impact Submitted by Erik Lehmann

What is the problem are you solving?

We are here to support impact organizations who wish to share their impact story. Impact measurement, management and reporting is both pivotal and challenging! It is pivotal because the rules of business are changing. Citizen Consumers want to know that their purchases actually make a difference on this planet!

Impact organizations wish to selflessly focus on their core mission. Reporting on impact and outcomes becomes disruptive to organizations with the best of intentions. I have witnessed renowned organizations halt operations when it comes time to generate their annual reports or quarterly newsletters.

As we enter the new normal, post Covid, it is clear that we are all going to expected to do more with less! Many hours of staff time have been redirected by outcomes reporting and impact measurement and management. There has got to be a better way!

How will this idea solve the problem?

ACE for Impact is here to automate and streamline the business task of telling a data-driven impact story! We are developing a set of tools that organizations can integrate into their workflow. ACE for Impact provides pathways to showcase real-time impact data on a company's website, social media platforms, and internal or external dashboards.

Is this idea brand new or has it been partially-vetted?

Brand New

Why are YOU uniquely positioned to solve the problem? What other people do you need to help?

I have spent over 30 years of my life serving in or on boards with organizations that wish to make a difference in the world. I have witnessed organizations of every size piece together their outcomes, more out of obligation that out of a desire to share a compelling impact story. I studied Program Evaluation and Planning in grad. school at Cornell University. I believe that being strategic about impact is essential to the growth of businesses (both for-profit and non-profit) and the communities in which they serve and operate. Citizen consumers will support businesses that align with their values, and they will even spend more on products and services that move the needles that they care about!

Having somewhat recently met my business partner, Jeff Trickett, who is a world class systems engineer, we are now able to develop a technology that speaks to the specific needs of organizations making a measurable difference in the world. We have just participated in the SEA Change Accelerator, where we refined our vision and began the development of ACE for Impact.