Idea Submission GiveBackHack 2020
Finally A Hero Submitted by Michelle Wells
What is the problem are you solving?
Victims and survivors are dealing with a lot of emotional and mental issues and the services are limited. Also, most of the services are limited to normal business hours and most survivors work causing them not to attend. My question is, if 10 million people experience domestic violence each year, is there enough services available for them to be successful?
How will this idea solve the problem?
With social media at everyone's finger tips, and studies show that telling stories are beneficial to both the story teller and person listening, creating film of their fellow peers on Recovery will help relieve the stress on survivors when they are unable to reach services. I've came up with my own algorithm that both victims and survivors can understand, its created by a peer, someone that understands what they are going through.
Is this idea brand new or has it been partially-vetted?
How you have vetted your idea and the success or difficulties you have seen thus far?
I just started producing films and I produced and directed a film about the children of Syria and their journey in Recovery to stop the violence before it can begin. I work with a journalist and a editor and the film won an award in Columbus Ohio this March 2020. I also have made films of survivors. I recently received a mini grant from ADAMH to produce film about Recovery. Anyone can make a film but it takes a unique person to make it come to life.
Why are YOU uniquely positioned to solve the problem? What other people do you need to help?
The state of Ohio understand the unique positions that Peers have in Recovery and some peers are granted certifications after training and passing the state exams. I received my certificate this year. I do know what victims and survivors are dealt with and we have a bond that others can't create.