Featured Media
Here is a listing of some recent press related to GiveBackHack and companies that were started at GiveBackHack.
Changemakers World May 1, 2022
Building a Business Around a Successful Business Program
Every successful social enterprise mastered 2 skills on its journey to success. The first is having a sustainable impact on their communities and in society and changing outcomes for their stakeholders. The second is having products and services that sell and a business model that is scalable and profitable. A business that focusses too much on creating an impact eventually runs out of funds to sustain their impact work if it does not have a profitable business that can support its impact goals. The singular most important goal of a social impact business should be profitability and growth.
People Helping People Feb 4, 2021
GiveBackHack’s Emily Stuhldreher Suggests Social Enterprises Focus on Small Prototypes Followed by Feedback
Emily Stuhldreher shared insights into getting social enterprises up and running after years of work with GiveBackHack. There’s an entire community of social enterprises in Ohio that connect to GiveBackHack, including previous guests and myself. Emily talked through a lot of what it takes to build and validate the ideas we start with when embarking on the road of social enterprise.
Columbus Business First Apr 24, 2022
Rela art-subscription service places works of art in area of residences, businesses.
Rela subscribers live and work with original artworks, constantly experiencing creativity + authenticity. Each artwork refresh delivers new local art for subscribers to discover + share. Rela’s service makes art a part of our everyday lives in our spaces, not an event or destination.
News5Cleveland Mar 9, 2021
Entrepreneurs, consultants, JumpStart trying to make Cleveland’s tech scene more diverse
Long before the coronavirus forced students to learn from home, Cleveland-based Parents In Motion was a company founded on two basic principles: Ridesharing and getting students to school.
The Metropreneur Mar 5, 2021
Petals with Purpose: How this Passion Project Bloomed into a Social Enterprise
Amanda Greenwood never thought her experience in and joy for event planning and floral design would become a socially-driven business bringing resources and education to homeless youth.
Metropreneur Nov 5, 2021
GiveBackHack Fuels Social Enterprise
Interested in starting a social enterprise but not sure where to start? Possibly you have a great idea but are missing the connections to launch. Or, maybe entrepreneurship isn’t for you, but you want to leverage your skills to support social change. GiveBackHack (GBH) is your launchpad to success!
Medium Jun 17, 2021
Renter Mentor Opens Landlord Portal
Renter Mentor announced today the opening of their landlord portal — property owners and managers can now go to their website to list vacant or soon to be vacant rental properties.
Renter Mentor bridges gap for affordable housing
Affordable housing has no shortage of problems waiting for tech solutions.
ColumbusCEO Aug 28, 2025
Renter Mentor looks to connect tenants with landlords offering affordable housing
Jerry Valentine’s startup website hopes to streamline the process for finding Section 8 units while also limiting predatory housing scams
These Millennials are changing businesses in Columbus: ‘Social entrepreneurship is the new norm’
Columbus has a reputation for spawning successful businesses. Millennials there are focused on enterprises that succeed by helping others.
Technical.ly Baltimore May 15, 2019
A Girls Who Code club is teaching tech skills in Baltimore's Upton neighborhood – Technical.ly Baltimore
At the Cyber Center located next to Union Baptist Church, a dozen local girls are learning code and building websites.
Technical.ly Baltimore Feb 11, 2019
9 impact models built at GiveBackHack Baltimore to spread art, music and support for refugees – Technical.ly Baltimore
Meet the winning team from P.A.T.C.H., plus other projects built in a weekend that could help local neighborhoods and community groups.
WBUR.org Aug 14, 2017
An App For Potential DACA Recipients Amid Uncertain Future Of Immigration Policy
Two young entrepreneurs in Ohio want as many people as possible to apply for DACA. They’ve created software that makes the application fast and affordable.
Home | Wild Tiger Tees May 11, 2018
What happens at Give Back Hack…changes the community | Home | Wild Tiger Tees
One rainy weekend in Cleveland. Eight people who don’t really know each other. And one idea to bring employment opportunities to homeless youth in Columbus, Oh
themetropreneur.com Apr 18, 2018
GiveBackHack 2018 Slated for April 27-29
GiveBackHack is gearing up for a weekend of social innovation, hosting its annual event Friday, April 27 through Sunday, April 29 at CCAD. It’s the fourth year for a growing program that brings entrepreneurs to business leaders together for a weekend of creating solutions for some of the biggest challenges facing communities. The business-building kicks off Friday …
Popular Mechanics Feb 27, 2018
What We Lose If We Lose the Dreamers
“The imminent termination of the DACA program is creating an impending crisis for workforces across the country.”
Columbus CEO Mar 12, 2018
Briefing: What Happens After GiveBackHack Ends?
Entrepreneurial ideas that began at GiveBackHack continue to grow.
newsnet5 Mar 15, 2018
Cleveland coffee app let's you to pay it forward, buy a cup for a stranger or a friend
We’ve all heard the stories – a person pays for a stranger’s coffee as a random act of kindness and it sets off a chain reaction. Well, now there’s an app for that, and it’s exclusive to Cleveland.
Cleveland - Freshwater Media Mar 12, 2018
CoffeeQ pays it forward, one cup of coffee at a time
New app CoffeeQ is on a mission to “build community through the power of coffee.”
Columbus CEO Mar 5, 2018
Editor's Notes: A Radical Idea
Columbus is home to those thinking up radical ideas and a company encouraging employees to pursue something on the side.
markets.businessinsider.com Feb 20, 2018
AWH and DACA Time Team Up to Empower Dreamers With New Social Enterprise | Markets Insider
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Feb. 20, 2018 /PRNewswire/ –‘ AWH, a digital product consulting, user experience, and software development firm, today announced a client pa…
themetropreneur.com Jan 2, 2018
The Top 10 New Startups of 2017
Despite a year that could have meant the end of a startup before it even got to officially launch its product, the DACA Time team remains confident there will be a place for them in 2018 and beyond.
CNNMoney Dec 8, 2017
Dreamer entrepreneurs: Our lives are being held hostage by politics
Young immigrants with DACA status say the future of everything they know — family, friends, jobs and even business they’ve built — is hanging in the balance as they wait to see whether Congress will grant them protected status.
Generocity Philly Oct 16, 2017
A social enterprise to give away menstrual products won at the inaugural GiveBackHack
The hackathon for companies with both social impact and business potential just held its first Philly event. Organizers consider it a launchpad —
wosu.org Aug 4, 2017
Lend An Ear: A Columbus Nonprofit Will Recycle Hearing Aids For Kids In Need
Eleven-year-old Eden Bradley relied on a hearing aid as a kid. She says she always struggled with how to describe it to her peers.
Columbus Business First Aug 16, 2017
GiveBackHack co-founder Suzy Bureau on pitches, social enterprise and the great balancing act
A Q&A with GiveBackHack co-founder Suzy Bureau
Atlanta Black Star Aug 25, 2017
Afro-Centric Trivia Game Brings #BlackJoy to Black People
Most people are familiar with "Cards Against Humanity," the popular card game most often played at parties with a drunken group of friends. Players attempt to answer funny questions and whoever’s answer is the funniest is the winner. Well, now there is a new trivia game based solely on the Black experience. "Black
Columbus Business First Jun 17, 2017
The Friendly App for LGBT-friendly businesses launches in Columbus
A site highlighting businesses that hire LGBT workers and donate to LGBT causes debuted during Stonewall Columbus Pride festival.
wosu.org May 23, 2017
Applying For DACA? An App May Soon Be Able To Help
Like many millennials, Brook Kohn and Nathali Bertran met through a dating app. It took a few months before Bertran decided to tell Kohn about her
The Columbus Dispatch Jul 6, 2016
Columbus ranks first among small markets in tech talent
Columbus is the top city in its class in its ability to attract and grow tech talent, according to an annual research report. The report "Scoring Tech Talent," from Los Angeles-based commercial real-estate company CBRE, ranked Columbus as the top small market among U.S. and Canadian cities and No. 23 overall.
Columbus Business First Feb 26, 2016
Abe’s Kitchen (alter-ego of Red Plate Blue Plate food truck) seeks to enlist more food trucks in affordable healthy meals mission
Abe’s Kitchen is a food truck selling healthy $2 meals in low-income neighborhoods, subsidized by a $2 donations from a single menu item at a partner food truck. Founder Thomas Adams of Red Plate Blue Plate food truck is seeking to enlist more trucks for an expansion this year.
Columbus SOUP Nov 9, 2015
Meet our Entrepreneurial Presenters
The days are getting shorter, the leaves are changing, and our wardrobe consists of bulky sweaters and scarves. Some people may be carrying around red cups, but we’re carrying green spoons. That means one thing: Fall SOUP is here! Sunday, November 15, we’ll gather once more to celebrate the thriving philanthropic spirit of Columbus by …
themetropreneur.com Nov 16, 2015
Columbus SOUP Awards Abe’s Kitchen with $2,720 Grant
Columbus SOUP awarded Abe’s Kitchen with a sizable grant during their ninth event on Sunday, November 15, 2015. The event, held at Vue Columbus, brought together 237 philanthropists and was themed on businesses with a social enterprise edge. Since June of 2013, the group has been holding events to change the way people think about philanthropy.
614 Columbus Oct 29, 2015
Level Up
Crowdfunding isn’t a new way to raise money, and at this point, we know the drill: you give a moderate donation to support a creative endeavor or seed a social enterprise. If enough people give, you get a reward (be that a warm-fuzzy, a tote…
themetropreneur.com Oct 6, 2015
Billion Launches Competitive Crowdfunding Platform for Social Causes
Billion looks to take on massive world problems one snowballed, crowdfunded donation at a time. The competitive crowdfunding platform created by a group of college students and recent graduates gamifies the process of giving.
linkedin.com Sep 17, 2015
A New Approach to Funding Social Enterprises: Billions
Last April the Center supported a terrific weekend to conceptualize new social enterprises called GiveBackHack.’ One of the creations that weekend has just launched:’ The Billion Effect.